
PSHE Overview - Autumn Term

Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Unit Being me in my world Celebrating difference
Year 7 Unique me, differences and conflict, my influences, dealing with emotions, belonging to a group and peer pressure, peer on peer abuse, online safety, online legislation Bullying, prejudice and discrimination, Equality Act, stereotyping, challenging influences, negative behaviour and attitudes, assertiveness
Year 8 Self-identity, influences, family and identity, stereotypes, personal beliefs and judgements, managing expectations, first impressions, respect for the beliefs of others, protected characteristics Positive change made by others, how positive behaviour affects feelings of wellbeing, social injustice, inequality, community cohesion, multi-culturalism, diversity, race and religion, stereotypes, prejudice, LGBT+ bullying, hate crime
Year 9 Perceptions about intimate relationships, consent, sexual exploitation, peer approval, peer on peer abuse, grooming, radicalisation, county lines, positive and negative self- identity, groups, influences, social media, abuse and coercion Protected characteristics, Equality Act, phobic and racist language, legal consequences of bullying and hate crime, sexism, ageism, positive and negative language, banter, peer on peer abuse, bullying in the workplace. Prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping
Year 10 Human rights, societal freedom, understanding safety in UK and beyond, ending relationships safely, stages of grief, loss and bereavement, peer on peer abuse, social media and culture, use of online data, threats to online safety, online identity, assessing and managing risk, the law and social media Equality including in the workplace, in society, in relationships Equality Act 2010 Vulnerable groups including disability and hidden disability Workplace expectations Rights and responsibilities Power and control in relationships, coercive control Benefits of multi-cultural societies Equity, equality and inequality
Year 11 Finance, money, budgeting, saving, credit and debit, tax and national insurance contributions, payslips, employee rights and responsibilities, employer rights and responsibilities, unions, money and mental health, money and wellbeing. University and apprenticeships course outline, university and apprenticeships entry qualifications, university and apprenticeships personable characteristics, personal statement writing, college application planning.

PSHE Overview - Spring Term

Term Spring 1 Spring 2
Unit Dreams and goals Healthy me
Year 7 Celebrating success, identifying goals, employment, learning from mistakes, overcoming challenges, safe and unsafe choices, exploitation, emergency first aid Stress and anxiety, managing mental health, physical activity and mental health, effects of substances, legal consequences, nutrition, sleep, vaccination and immunisation, importance of information on making health choices
Year 8 Long-term goals, skills, qualifications, careers, money and happiness, mental wellbeing, budgeting, variation in income, positive and negative impact of money, online safety and legal responsibilities, gambling issues Long-term physical health, stress triggers and help tips, substances and mood, legislation associated with substances, exploitation and substances, medicine, vaccinations, immunisation
Year 9 Personal strengths, health goals, SMART planning, the world of work, links between body image and mental health, mental health and ill health, self-esteem, stigma, anxiety disorders, depression Physical and psychological effects of drugs and alcohol, alcohol and the law, alcohol and drug poisoning, addiction, smoking, vaping, drug classification, supply and possession legislation, emergency situations, first aid, CPR, substances and safety, sources of advice and support
Year 10 Impact of physical health in reaching goals, relationships and reaching goals, resilience, work/life balance, connections and impact on mental health, balanced diet, vital organs, blood donation, benefits of helping others, online profile and impact on future goals and employability Improving health, mental health, sexual health, self- examination, diet and long- term health, misuse of prescription drugs, substances and the body, common mental health disorders, positive impact of volunteering, common threats to health including chronic disease, epidemics, misuse of antibiotics, organ donation
Year 11 Driving and the law, road awareness and safety of in car passengers and pedestrians, driving and the road, speeding, drink and drug driving awareness, distractions whilst driving in relation to mobile phone use, learning to drive expectations. Expectations of an intimate relationship, love, respect loyalty, commitment, pleasure, healthy and unhealthy relationship expectations and body image, consent, gaslighting and emotional abuse, stalking and harassment, forced marriage.

PSHE Overview - Summer Term

Term Summer 1 Summer 2
Unit Relationships Changing me
Year 7 Characteristics of healthy relationships, consent, relationships and change, emotions within friendships, peer on peer abuse, rights and responsibilities, being discerning, assertiveness Puberty changes, Reproduction facts, responsibilities of parenthood, IVF, types of committed relationships, media and self-esteem, self-image, brain changes in puberty, factors affecting moods, sources of help and support
Year 8 Positive relationship with self, social media and relationship with self, negative self-talk, managing a range of relationships, peer on peer abuse, personal space, online privacy, bullying and personal safety, social media issues and the law, coercion, unhealthy balance of power in relationships, sources of support Types of close intimate relationships, physical attraction, love, legal status of relationships, behaviours in healthy and unhealthy romantic relationships, pornography, sexuality, alcohol and risky behaviour
Year 9 Healthy relationships, power and control in intimate relationships, risk in intimate relationships, importance of sexual consent, sex and the law, pornography and stereotypes, contraception choices, age of consent, family planning, consequences of unprotected sex, STIs, support and advice services Mental health stigma, triggers, support strategies, managing emotional changes, resilience and how to improve it, reflection on importance of sleep in relation to mental health, reflection on changes, benefits of relaxation
Year 10 Sustaining long-term relationships, intimacy, healthy relationship with self Attraction, love, lust Relationship choices, ending relationships safely, consequences of relationships ending e.g. bullying, peer on peer abuse, revenge porn, grief- cycle, Impact on family understanding love, fake news, pornography Impact of societal change on young people, role of media on societal change, reflection on change so far and how to manage it successfully, decision making, sexual identity gender, spectrum of sexuality, stereotypes in romantic relationships, sexual identity and risk, physical and emotional changes, family change, sources of support