Support & Guidance
Support in School
Tutor Group
- At Phoenix, each child will have a dedicated tutor group and tutor in Year 7 who will work closely with them to help them settle in. There is a daily registration in their form groups and during this time, tutors will be following a tutor program designed to develop their tutor groups resilience, confidence and organisation.
- One day per week Year 7 will have a whole year group assembly, and the following day in registration, they will discuss this assembly as a group to see what they can learn from the topic.
- All tutor groups also deliver their own assembly to the year group and their tutor will support them with this. This helps them to develop oracy, planning and public speaking skills alongside confidence and team work.
- Once a week in tutor time, Year 7 will also be finding out about `Inspirational People’ which is a program that the school uses where students get to explore about key individuals from history and learn about character and how they can emulate these in their own lives.
- Our Year 7 tutors are excellent and work very hard to get to know each and every child in their tutor group. If you have any questions or concerns, your child’s tutor is your first port of call. They will be able to liaise with teaching staff for you and feedback with information for you.
Learning Support and Guidance
We have a Learning Support Officer who works tirelessly to support our students on a daily basis. This is a crucial part of the pastoral support that your child will receive at Phoenix.
- Access Arrangements for Exams
A student may be eligible for access arrangements during their exams, and if there are questions or queries, Learning Support provides an access arrangements service.
- Learning Support Consultation
Learning Support Consultations give you an opportunity to ask questions about ways to support homeschooling, to review handy resources and new technologies and to think about challenges with an expert ear.
- Study Skills Support
Study skills can be developed to help students become more effective learners. These skills will allow students to organise information, retain this knowledge and apply it to assessments and assignments. These skills can also improve focus, motivation, self-esteem and exam technique. These techniques are especially tailored to our online learning environment and for study at home.
For our learners with additional needs, study skills sessions can be planned with this in mind, creating a tailored programme of work that meets their needs.
- Book Exam Arrangement Consultation
A student may be eligible for access arrangements during their exams so if there are questions or queries, Learning Support provides an access arrangements service. We offer an initial consultation in which we give advice about what is available, and how to work with your Exam Centre to apply to the exam board. We offer a service to help you complete the paperwork required to apply for arrangements.
- Mentoring
Mentoring provides guidance and expertise on a range of topics, including well being and stress management.
Peer Mentors: Student Helpers
As part of the support and guidance systems in school we offer a peer mentoring service to students. Peer support in schools has been proven to impact positively on things such as attendance, attainment, anti-bullying measures and the general well-being of students being mentored. At Phoenix we have an active peer-mentoring system which is more like ‘buddying’ where (usually) a younger student is matched up with an older student who is a trained mentor to help and support them with any problems they may have. The pairs meet once a week and at other times if needed.
Who are the mentors?
Each year, a team of students from Year 10 are trained in listening and communication skills, problem solving, confidentiality and child protection issues. This team will become active mentors toward the end of Year 10 and throughout Year 11 where they will be matched with younger students and work with them for as long as is needed.
Who is the scheme aimed at?
The scheme aims to provide support for any student who is experiencing difficulties (including out of school), and who it is felt would benefit from the support of an older student. Typically, these students would be those who feel vulnerable, anxious, may have difficulty settling in school, who may have few or no friends, and who needs support from a network of their own.
As part of the support and guidance systems in school we offer a peer mentoring service to students. Peer support in schools has been proven to impact positively on things such as attendance, attainment, anti-bullying measures and the general well-being of students being mentored.
Support out of School
Need some help when you’re not in school? …take a look at the following links:
- Childline – free advice, anytime 0800 1111
- Kooth – Online counselling for children
- Young minds – mental health support for young people
- Winston’s Wish – bereavement support:
- Happier Minds – Mental Wellbeing website for young people, parents/carers and staff:
- Shout – Free 24/7 support text service text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
- The What?Centre – Young Person’s advice information and counselling service: or 01384 379992
If you are concerned about your own or another child’s safety, email
If you are worried that a young person is at immediate risk of harm, or is not safe, call 999 or go to A&E