
Supporting students with Special Educational Needs

Each and Every Mind matters

At Phoenix our aim is to engage every student and help them achieve their potential in their journey to success.


We believe that every mind matters and our principle of “inclusion” of everyone in our education delivery, demonstrates our belief that differences should be recognised, celebrated and supported.  At Phoenix Community College, we want your child to feel that our school is a happy place where they can learn in their own way, and where they have a sense of belonging and achieve their best.



At Phoenix Community College we are a strongly inclusive community, where all learners are treated with respect, dignity and equality, in order that every child fulfils their full potential. Below is an extract from the SEND Code of Practice 2015, which outlines the legal framework for inclusion, and which underpins our SEND provision.

Phoenix Community College is committed to helping all children achieve the best possible academic results. As such, we provide additional support and input for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Parents who wish to register their child’s additional learning needs should contact Mrs Thompson, our Principal/SENCO.

Our Behaviour Excellence Model

Our programmes are aimed at evaluating and reducing adverse behaviours, which are underpinned by the goals set out in our own Roselle Behaviour Excellence Model (RBEM)©.  This excellence model is evidence-based, and was created, designed and delivered by Roselle Thompson, our College Principal, over a period of 20 years.

The design of the exemplar programmes addresses risk factors that help with improving learning difficulties, school attendance, under-achievement, academic outcomes, students’ social and emotional lives, a reduction of juvenile delinquency, youth offending and re-offending, as well as students’ and their families’ access to support services.

The goal of the RBEM© is to reduce the adverse behavioural rate, by identifying the causes of behavioural problems and implementing multi-layered strategies for effective intervention, that reflects the individual’s ideals and priorities; in order to give all children the educational opportunities they deserve.

Class teachers are given training on how to differentiate lessons for students with additional needs. Some SEND students will have a Linked Profile, a one-page document summarising areas of strength and areas of difficulty, so that all teaching staff can understand how best to support that specific individual. (Student, parent/carer, school will jointly input into the Profile).

Students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are provided with tailored support, according to the provision on their Plan.

Behavioural Difficulties

Our SEND provision is aimed at providing intervention for behavioural problems (EBD) or Emotional and social Behavioural Difficulties (ESBD). Additionally, those with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome (ADHD), and those who have low literacy levels or learning difficulties, are also supported.

Exclusions and Disaffection

There are also those who do not have the above labels, but who are at risk of permanent exclusion from their mainstream school or have been permanently excluded, have become disengaged in education, or on the cusp of becoming disaffected and are not engaging in education.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Phoenix Community College benefits from the diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds within our student and staff body. We take pride in providing the specific support needed by students who do not speak English as a first language. Where students have a home language (definition: the first language spoken at home) other than English, and are in the process of learning to use English as an additional language for educational purposes, they are identified as EAL. Pupils on the EAL register are closely monitored throughout their time at Phoenix to ensure they have everything they need to learn English and make excellent progress.

The school will identify individual pupils’ needs, recognise the skills they bring to school and ensure equality of access to the curriculum and extra- curricular activities. All teachers participate in the teaching of English, as well as in the teaching of their own subject area, and thus share responsibility for the language development of EAL pupils.

Lack of English does not equate to a lack of knowledge, skills or understanding and having a home language other than English is not considered a learning difficulty (however, we t Phoenix  recognise that a child who has EAL may sometimes also have additional educational needs).


All students at Phoenix Community College study a broad and rigorous curriculum which prepares them for the best possible universities and careers.

At Key Stage 3 Pathway – Core subjects include English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Education. Alongside these core subjects, at Key Stage 3, students study the humanities subjects, Geography, History,  Sociology, Business Studies, Psychology, Health & Social Care, at least one modern foreign language and then the creative arts which include Drama and Performance. Physical Education is varied, due to its virtual reality and where relevant, we invite coaches to help students maintain their physical health. Extra-curricular clubs take place weekly and include activities such as film-making, yoga, music, cooking, leadership training, and business enterprise.

At Key Stage 4 Pathway, students follow an academic pathway suited to their ability and future educational choices. These pathways vary in whether students study the separate sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and gain a GCSE for each Science, or combined sciences in which students attain two GCSEs. The pathways also vary in whether students study a language. We also offer quality Level Two BTEC courses as alternatives to some of our GCSE subjects, for students who are suited to more vocational courses, more coursework rather than exams, and more computer-based learning.

At 16+ years – Personal Pathways

Personal Pathways are individual learning programmes created to support the needs and aspirations of 16+ year old students, as they prepare for adult life. Their individual pathways are made up of selected modules that will develop skills.

Modules you will study

  • English and Maths
  • Communication through performing arts (including music, drama and dance)
  • Employability through business enterprise and work experience
  • Media studies for work and leisure (including film making, photography, radio podcasts and student magazine)
  • Personal Development and Adult Relationships
  • Personal Health & Well-being for a healthy lifestyle
  • Extensive tutorial and pastoral support

Entry requirements

Offer of placement at Phoenix Community College, is based on whether we can provide a suitable programme that meets the needs and outcomes highlighted in the individual’s EHCP.


Learner support needs will be assessed in conjunction with their Education Health Care Plan, and support will be allocated on an individual basis. On-going assessment of progress against targets and accreditation (where taken), will be recorded and shared with parents and carers regularly throughout the year.

Following assessment, if it is considered that a learner would benefit from our Pathways programmes, and there is space available (maximum 6) this option would be offered.


Enrichment Activities are an important part of school life at Phoenix Community College. We offer a wide range of activities to all students from all year groups. We encourage all of our students to become involved in different activities after school. These are advertised in assemblies and through a tutor time.

After-school activities and events

A wide range of extra-curricular activities, take place after the school day officially ends at 3.30pm.  Enrichment is compulsory for Year 7 and Year 8 students on Wednesdays after school from 3.30 – 4.30pm.

Wednesdays 4.30 – 6pm
Young people learn to create film scripts, prepare story boards, crew and cast for their production, carry out pre-production activities, film and edit their films. The films produced are premiered to family, friends and colleagues at a red carpet premiere
Mondays 5 – 6pm
Yoga for mental and physical health – opening up a doorway to the mind to make it more accessible to learning, cleansing, decluttering, and balanced.
Thursdays 3.30 -4.30pm
Each one, teach one. Cook your favourite dishes. Share your skills
Mondays 3.30 – 4.30pm
Could you be the next great Prime Minister of Britain? Build your speaking skills and confidence, and have fun whilst doing it.
Tuesdays 3.30 – 4.30pm
The Phoenix Voices are a group of enthusiastic singers who love singing. We’ll have fun and work together to prepare some songs for the next Celebration of Achievement event!
Wednesdays 3.30-4.30pm
Come and enjoy being fit and healthy with our Personal Trainers.


24/7 lesson recordings available

Flexibility – it may be that at times you may not be able to attend real-time lessons, so you can catch up on recordings at a time that’s right.

Very Supportive SEN teachers

Our SEN team works alongside teachers to support special educational needs and delivering inclusive education.

Individualised, flexible education

We prioritise your child’s needs by providing individualised, inclusive teaching plans and extra academic support, where relevant.

SEN support services

At Phoenix we offer additional services such as Learning Support, Study Skills Support, Mentoring, and Access Arrangements for application for concessions during exams, and more.

Adjustments for Individual Needs

We offer supportive adjustments to help students feel happier, more confident, and more supported at school. Support can be changed and adjusted at any time as your child progresses.

Encouraging stress-free environment

We make it our priority to listen to every student and encourage them to be their unique self.


Students are able to participate in lessons by typing if they prefer.

Students can move year groups (by subject or for the whole year) to match their personal pace.

Our lesson times can be adjusted, to suit a student’s focus or fit around regular appointments.

This requirement can be adjusted to ensure students have a manageable study load and minimise corresponding anxiety.

Course adjustments and options can help our students tackle anxiety, exam stress, and more.

Induction, Safer Internet Day, Student Life events and activities, student profiles, as well as cycle testing, provide ways to reduce anxiety and connect with other families.

When you join us at Phoenix

When you join us at Phoenix, our SEN support team and teachers will get to know your child and their unique qualities so we can understand how best to support them. After this, we will work together with you and your child, to create a personalised learning pathway that will support their growth and educational journey.

We will remain closely connected with you regarding your child’s progress, grades, emotional wellbeing, and their developing needs. Additionally, via your Parent Hub, as a Parent or Caregiver, you can stay connected on a regular basis.  

Our flexible approach to supporting SEN students means we can adjust their learning to suit their changing needs.  This can take the form of adjusting their timetable, adding extra support, or reduce adjustments, as their confidence and progress grows.  Our aim is to make sure the education of every student at Phoenix reflects their need and enjoyment of their learning.

In addition to the information we provide on your child’s grades, feedback, and progress, there is a good deal of information in the Parents Hub including  blogs and articles that will help you to make the most of online learning with Phoenix.


As part of our triangular relationship – child, school, parent/caregiver – you can check in on your child’s progress or ask a question about learning at any time.  You don’t have to wait until Parent’s Evening, our teachers are on hand for on-demand or one-to-one virtual calls.

The Parent Hub is home to a wealth of knowledge articles that will help you understand our school, view your child’s grades, feedback, and progress, book time off school, and update your child’s Inclusive Teaching Plan.

Our Phoenix School community offers a truly welcoming, stress-free, enjoyable opportunity to connect with other parents and carers. We organise virtual social activities, online clubs, school-wide events and competitions or meetups with other families.



Students can join us at any point during the year and begin learning within just a few days!

Need help with fees? If your child has a disability or special educational needs, you can apply for tuition fee funding directly from your local authority.

Phoenix Community School is open for enrolment all year round. We kickstart each student’s online learning experience with a welcoming induction process to make the transition smooth.


If you have any questions about our School, our Admissions Manager would be happy to discuss your child’s needs with you. Please get in touch:
Call us on 07723-163-974
Alternatively, you can use the contact form below.


How will Phoenix Community College ensure that my child has a supportive induction process?

At Phoenix, we prioritise student integration and support from the very start. Our comprehensive student induction program, supplemented by video guides, designed to familiarise students with all school systems and processes. This interactive approach ensures that students can ask questions and feel confident as they settle into our learning environment.

Moreover, we place a special emphasis on supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our staff are trained to take note of any required follow-up communication, ensuring that we address the unique needs of SEND students and their families effectively.

In addition, students can connect with their dedicated Tutor, who would assess how well students are settling in and accessing learning, providing personalised support and guidance where needed.

At Phoenix, we are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for every student, ensuring that they have the resources and assistance they need to thrive academically and personally.

How can I ensure that my child’s teachers have a good understanding of my child’s SEND and needs?

Parents and caregivers can complete a form that will be used to develop a personalised ‘Individual Learning Plan’ (ILP) for their child, as part of the enrolment or renewal process.

This plan is designed to equip teachers with comprehensive information across four key categories:

  • Understanding your child’s needs
  • Support to access learning materials
  • Enabling your child to thrive in a classroom environment
  • Ensuring that your child can make learning progress

Teachers will leverage this invaluable insight to tailor their planning, teaching, and assessment strategies, ensuring they align closely with best practices. Additionally, the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be conveniently accessible on the Parent Hub for easy reference and ongoing collaboration between parents, caregivers, and educators.

We recognise and value the uniqueness of every child, seeing it as something to be cherished and nurtured. If you’d like to discuss your child’s individual needs in more detail, don’t hesitate to contact us on  We’re here to help.

Will my child’s teachers teach in a way that accounts for their SEN and/or disability?

We offer a variety of options for parents and caregivers to tailor their child’s educational experience, ensuring it aligns with their unique needs and aspirations, while providing a comprehensive curriculum and the opportunity to achieve desired qualifications.

These options include:

  • Live or Non-Live Learning: Choose between participating in live classes or accessing pre-recorded sessions, providing flexibility to accommodate various schedules.
  • Flexible Subject Selection: Customise the number of subjects studied to fit individual preferences and goals, with the option to deviate from our recommended packages.
  • Club Participation: Supplement the core curriculum with virtual extracurricular activities and clubs tailored to specific interests and passions.
  • Contribution Level Selection: Empower students to define their preferred mode of participation in class discussions and activities, whether through voice, video, text, or a combination of these.

Additionally, the education team at Phoenix Community College receive regular training and are equipped with specialised strategies and resources to support the diverse learning needs of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Through the creation of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), based on information provided by parents and caregivers, teachers are informed of students’ additional learning requirements and adapt their instructional approaches, drawing from the latest pedagogical research and best practices. If you’d like to discuss your child’s individual needs in more detail, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on   We’re here to help.

Do you have teaching assistants to support children with SEN and/or disabilities?

Whereas in a physical school setting, teaching assistants often play a role in ensuring that students can effectively engage with their learning and navigate the school environment, as an online school, it’s slightly different.  However, our learning environment is inherently designed to cater to the diverse needs of students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Our online platform provides a calm, purposeful, and supportive atmosphere, which is already tailored to accommodate students who may have encountered challenges in a traditional school setting. While we may not have teaching assistants in the traditional sense, we offer a range of resources and support mechanisms to empower students and help them thrive.

Students have access to various avenues for assistance and guidance. Whether it’s an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), peer support networks, or specialised resources, we are committed to ensuring that every student receives the support they need to succeed academically and emotionally.

How do I ensure that my child has exam arrangements in place?

Access arrangements, such as extra time or the use of word processing, can be requested for students with a professional diagnosis of SEND by contacting us.

Teachers will ensure that these arrangements are implemented during assessments. It’s essential for parents or carers to have obtained a professional diagnosis before indicating that their child requires an access arrangement such as extra time. However, if this diagnosis is in the process of being acquired, please let us know if you need guidance on how to proceed, and we can provide support. Additionally, we can offer advice on how to apply for access arrangements to be implemented by the exam centre for external examinations through our exams team.

Can Phoenix Community College provide assessments if I think that my child has undiagnosed SEN?

Currently, Phoenix Community College does not offer assessment services. The diagnosis of SEN is typically obtained through local authority services, educational psychologists, or medical professionals. Private assessments are also an option. If you’re considering this route, we suggest seeking a registered educational psychologist through the British Psychological Society’s directory, available here: