
Learning Support Services


    1. Access Arrangements for Exams

    A student may be eligible for access arrangements during their exams, and if there are questions or queries, Learning Support provides an access arrangements service.

    We offer an initial consultation, in which we give advice about what is available, and how to work with your exam centre to apply to the exam board. We also offer a service to help you complete the paperwork required to apply for arrangements. Please note, access arrangement applications are approved at the discretion of the relevant exam board.

    We would advise, in the first instance, that you contact your Exam Centre to discuss the application, and the evidence that is required to support your application. Please note the latest date to take-up services for a supporting letter is 31 January for the Summer (May/June) Exam Series, 30 August for the Winter (January/February) Exam Series and 30 June for the Autumn (Oct/Nov) Exam Series.

    In order to arrange an Access Arrangements consultation, please complete this form. Once you have completed this form you will be taken to the payment page to finalise your purchase.

    About the Individual applying for Access Arrangements

    Name: (of the person considering exam arrangements) *

    Name of the Person Paying for the Support

    2. Learning Support Consultation

    Learning Support Consultations give you an opportunity to ask questions about ways to support homeschooling, to review handy resources and new technologies and to think about challenges with an expert ear.

    To book a session, please complete this form. Once you have completed this form you will be taken to the payment page to finalise your purchase.

    Please note: cancellations of less than 24hrs notice will be charged.


    Name: (of the individual undertaking the session) *

    Name of the Person Paying for the Support

    3. Study Skills Support

    Study skills can be developed to help students become more effective learners. These skills will allow students to organise information, retain this knowledge and apply it to assessments and assignments. These skills can also improve focus, motivation, self-esteem and exam technique. These techniques are especially tailored to our online learning environment and for study at home.

    For our learners with additional needs, study skills sessions can be planned with this in mind, creating a tailored programme of work that meets their needs. For example, students with ADHD may need more support to build up stamina when studying at length. Study skills support can be a valuable tool to remove any barriers to learning.

    To book a session, please complete this form. Once you have completed this form you will be taken to the payment page to finalise your purchase.

    Please note: cancellations of less than 24hrs notice will be charged.

    About the Individual

    Name: (of the individual undertaking the session)*

    Name of the Person Paying for the Support

    4. Book Exam Arrangement Consultation

    A student may be eligible for access arrangements during their exams so if there are questions or queries, Learning Support provides an access arrangements service. We offer an initial consultation in which we give advice about what is available, and how to work with your Exam Centre to apply to the exam board. We offer a service to help you complete the paperwork required to apply for arrangements.

    In order to arrange an Exam Arrangement consultation, please complete this form. Once you have completed this form you will be taken to the payment page to finalise your purchase.

    About the Individual applying for Exam Arrangements

    Name: (of the person considering exam arrangements)*

    Name of the Person Paying for the Support